Yarralumla pram friendly walk directions

A hidden gem, family friendly Weston Park in Yarralulmla provides the setting for this pretty and generally flat walk. The route meanders around the peninsula of Weston Park featuring mature native and exotic trees, lovely lake views, children's playgrounds and lots of picnic tables. Dogs must be on leash but there is an off leash swimming spot on the way, and the walk starts and ends at the fully fenced Yarralumla Dog Park where you can give your dog the opportunity to play off leash and socialise with other dogs. The route also passes a dog friendly café, or you can drive/walk to the nearby Yarralumla shops for other cafes.
Start/Finish - Yarralumla Dog Park, corner Banks and Brown Streets
Time/Distance - Allow 60 minutes/approx 4 km
Off lead rating - ♥
Parking - Gravel car park next to Yarralumla Dog Park at the corner of Banks and Brown Streets
Dog friendly café - Oaks Brasserie, and others at the Yarralumla shops
Public toilets - Several throughout Weston Park
Bins - Yarralumla Dog Park and Weston Park
Distractions - Kangaroos
Playgrounds - Several in Weston Park
Photo gallery - See more photos taken on the Yarralumla pram friendly walk.
Note - All our dog walks assume you are a responsible dog owner with effective control of your dog. If walking with a pram, you'll need to venture at least 10 metres off the paved paths to let your dog take advantage of the off leash opportunities described below. See our Important Stuff page before starting any of our walks.
Use the navigation tools to zoom in or out for different views of the route or click on the 'view larger map' icon on the top right hand corner of the map to view in google maps.
Yarralumla Dog Park to Black Mountain view (30 minutes)
1. Start from the gravel car park at the Yarralumla Dog Park on the corner of Banks and Brown Street.
Dogs must be on leash on this walk to comply with ACT Government regulations, with the exception of the dog swimming beach - see direction no. 4 - and the fenced Yarralumla Dog Park at the beginning/end of this walk. In any case, Weston Park is overrun with kangaroos!
2. Facing the road (Banks Street) turn left and walk a short distance to reach a bitumen bike path. Turn right and follow the path across Banks Street.
3. On the other side, take the bitumen path that branches left heading into Weston Park. You'll continue on this path (which changes to concrete and gravel in some sections) for the majority of the walk to complete a circuit of Weston Park peninsula. You can't go wrong if you keep the lake on your right and follow the path closest to the lake.
Weston Park is one of the oldest family-focused parks in Canberra. It has extensive and multiple children's playgrounds (and used to have a fantastic tree house), a mini steam train and maze, and several powered barbecue and picnic sites. Dogs are allowed on leash throughout the park except within 10 metres of playgrounds and powered barbecue sites when in use, and on the designated human swimming beach. If you'd like to sample the full delights of Weston Park, visit again sans dog.
4. Continue following the path, keeping the lake on your right. After about 30 minutes, the path will come to a small beach directly opposite Black Mountain and with uninterrupted views of the mountain and the (noisy) Parkes Way.
Off leash swimming opportunity here, but you must keep your off leash dog within the beach area.
Along the way you'll pass several picnic tables and powered BBQ sites as well as a large inviting swimming beach with pontoons out on the water. However, dogs are not allowed at the powered BBQ sites or on this swimming beach.
You'll also pass an interesting and thought-provoking memorial to the refugees who died on the SIEV X boat in 2001.
There are ample bins along this section, situated at the edge of gravel car parks as well as a public toilet on the left of the path about 10 minutes walk from the beginning of the walk.
Black Mountain view to Yarralumla Dog Park (25 minutes)
5. Continue on the bitumen path, ignoring any branches to your left into the park, so that lake remains in sight on your right.
The path will change from bitumen to gravel to concrete at various points along this section but just continue on ahead following the lake shore.
6. About 10 to 15 minutes along, you'll pass a number of large sheds and greenhouses (used by the Government nursery) behind a high fence. Soon after, the bitumen path meets several gravel paths heading in different directions. The bitumen path veers right, but leave it and continue on the widest gravel path heading straight ahead.
There is another public toilet on the left at the intersection of these paths.
This route will take you past the so called 'English Garden', planted in the 1960s by the then assistant manager of the Government nursery. It features many azaleas and rhododendrons so it is particularly pretty in late winter/early summer.
7. Continue a few minutes on the gravel path until you reach a small car park and road.
If you'd like to visit a dog friendly café, enter the car park and follow the signs left to the Oaks Brasserie which has several inviting outdoor tables nestled in part of the English Garden.
On the right hand side of the car park is the Yarralumla Heritage Nursery that offers a wide range of Canberra-hardy plants.
8. Continue in the same direction, following the road away from the car park for a short distance until you reach a concrete path heading right, just past the red vehicle access gate. Turn right on the path and follow it a short distance to a T-junction with a bitumen path.
There is a very handy drinking water 'station' here for people and dogs.
9. Turn left to follow the bitumen cycle path back to the Yarralumla Dog Park and car park.
Be considerate of cyclists on this stretch as this is a very popular cycle route where some cyclists travel very fast.
When you finish, you have the opportunity to let your dog have some off leash time at the dog park which is spacious and shady. There are bins, drinking water, and some benches. For more information about this dog park and others, see our blog on Canberra's off leash dog parks.
If you'd prefer to join one of our regular guided group walks, find out more at our guided walks page.