Ngunnawal pram friendly walk directions

Thank goodness for this pram friendly walk in Ngunnawal, one of only two truly dog friendly routes we've found in Gungahlin! As well as being paved the whole way, this pleasant loop features outstanding mountain and city views, meandering through quiet streets, grassy parks and the verdant Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club. There are several off leash opportunities in the grassy parks for those walking without a pram. Those walking with a pram may manage a foray or two off the paved paths to take advantage of these as well. There is even a dog friendly café at the tiny Ngunnawal shops off Riley Close where the walk starts and ends. The only negative is a lack of shade for most of the route if walking in summer.
Start/Finish - Riley Close, Ngunnawal
Time/Distance - Allow 75 minutes/approx 4.2 km
Off lead rating - ♥
Parking - Ngunnawal shops, Riley Close
Dog friendly café - Blossom Café
Public toilets - Ngunnawal shops (ask at the IGA for the key if locked)
Bins - Ngunnawal shops
Distractions - Potentially kangaroos and rabbits
Children's playgrounds - Ngunnawal shops and Crinigan Park
Photo gallery - See photos taken on the Ngunnawal pram friendly walk.
Note - All our dog walks assume you are a responsible dog owner with effective control of your dog. If walking with a pram, you'll need to venture at least 10 metres off the paved paths to let your dog take advantage of the off leash opportunities described below. See our Important Stuff page before starting any of our walks.
Use the navigation tools to zoom in or out for different views of the route or click on the 'view larger map' icon on the top right hand corner of the map to view in google maps.
Ngunnawal shops to Crinigan Park (15 minutes)
1. Start at the Ngunnawal shops at the corner of Paul Coe Crescent and Riley Close. With your back to the shops, walk to the far side of the children’s playground on Riley Close, and then turn right on Riley Close, walking away from Paul Coe Crescent. Nearly immediately turn right again into another quiet street (Kudyera Place).
The little Ngunnawal shops includes an IGA, a small café with some outdoor tables, and only a couple of other shops.
The playground opposite the shops in Platypus Park is fully fenced with very tempting equipment for younger children.
There are public toilets adjacent to the restaurant and bins around the shops and carpark.
2. Walk to the end of Kudyera Place, a cul de sac, and at the end of the street follow a concrete footpath heading off between the houses to a little creek (Ginninderra Creek). Follow the footpath as it curves right, then when it comes to a t-junction with a bitumen cycle path, turn left to follow the bitumen path under a large underpass (beneath Mirrabei Drive) and into a large grassy park (Crinigan Park).
3. Continue following the bitumen path as it curves in a semicircle around the perimeter of this grassy park, with Ginninderra Creek on your left and the back fences of houses or quiet streets on your right. Continue following the bitumen path as it curves back towards Mirrabei Drive.
The foundations of an old stone cottage (Crinigan's Cottage) can be spied in the grass on the other side of the creek to your left.
As the path begins to curve back towards Mirrabei Drive, there is a small playground on the left.
4. The bitumen path will fork soon after it curves around to face Mirrabei Drive again. Take the left fork which heads towards a little bridge over the creek. Follow the path over the bridge and continue through the underpass up ahead, ignoring the bitumen paths leading left and right.
Crinigan Park to Marungul Avenue (15 minutes)
5. On the other side of the underpass, the bitumen path reaches a concrete footpath. Turn right, then nearly immediately left to follow the concrete footpath heading away from Mirrabei Drive, with the back fences of houses on your right. After less than a minute, the underpass should be behind your left shoulder. (If in doubt, after exiting the underpass just head for the red vehicle access gate which is not far ahead and slightly left.)
6. Continue following this footpath as it veers to the right past a red vehicle access gate and gradually climbs uphill through an informal park, with houses on the left and right. After a few minutes it intersects with a road (Gurrang Avenue).
Off leash opportunity starts in the park after the vehicle access gate, between the footpath and the back fences of houses on the left.
If you are walking without a pram, it's easy to walk cross country uphill here, keeping 10 metres away from the footpath on your right. When you reach Gurrang Avenue, leash your dog, and instead of turning right to follow the concrete path, walk straight across the street to reach the park up ahead. This park (Hill Reserve) is off leash on the left hand (east) side of the paved path. You can just follow the dirt track heading uphill and through the middle of the park. Go to the notes at direction no. 8 to continue off leash.
7. Turn right at Gurrang Avenue following the concrete footpath along the side of the road. Continue across a small street (Bunburung Close), then nearly immediately turn left to cross Gurrang Avenue using the pedestrian island.
8. Continue straight ahead into the bush park, following the wide concrete footpath. The footpath wanders through this long narrow park (Hill Reserve), gradually climbing uphill, then downhill again to another road (Marungul Avenue).
This part of Hill Reserve is off leash on the left hand (east) side of the paved path.
Unfortunately, if you are walking with a pram, the terrain makes it difficult to take advantage of this off leash opportunity, but you may be able to make one or two forays off the path along the way.
If you are not pushing a pram, you will have crossed into Hill Reserve earlier over Gurrang Avenue (refer direction no. 6 above). To continue off leash, curve left after entering the park to follow the back fences of houses on your left. You'll soon come to a well-defined dirt track heading uphill. Follow this track through the park until you come to a road.
Off leash opportunity ends before the road.
This bush park dotted with eucalypts provides a safe, interesting off leash area for dogs to explore. The park is bordered by the back fences of houses on each side, and our sensitive-nosed whippets tell us there are rarely kangaroos in this section of the walk.
The beautiful views of Gungahlin and mountains beyond begin as you enter the park and continue over the next 15 minutes or so.
Marungul Avenue to Amagula Avenue (20 minutes)
9. Cross Marungul Avenue and continue following the concrete footpath straight ahead and uphill through Hill Reserve.
Off leash opportunities continue in this part of Hill Reserve on the left hand (east) side of the paved path.
However, the terrain is rough and steep so we recommend not bothering and just enjoy walking on the path on leash instead. In addition, our sensitive-nosed whippets find the allure of rabbits and potential kangaroos in this section of the park just too much and need to be kept on leash anyway.
The views from the top of this hill are impressive: Canberra city, Black Mountain tower, and Gungahlin Pond straight ahead as well as views of Gungahlin town centre and suburbs all around.
There’s a handy bench at the highest point to pause and take in the views.
10. After the highest point, the concrete footpath drops downhill fairly quickly in a series of s-bends towards a major road (Gungahlin Drive).
11. The footpath ends in a t-junction at Gungahlin Drive. Turn left here and follow the footpath a short distance parallel to the road.
12. When the footpath reaches an underpass beneath Gungahlin Drive, it branches in several directions. Turn left to follow the concrete footpath directly away from the underpass. Continue following the footpath as it enters a narrow informal park bordered by houses and quiet streets.
Off leash opportunity extends in this narrow park to the left of the paved path. However if you have a pram, the terrain is probably not amenable.
Some of the houses on the right along this path are typical of the Federation-revival style very popular in the 1980s.
13. In a few minutes you’ll reach another road (Amagula Avenue). Cross the road to continue following the concrete footpath straight ahead.
Off leash opportunity ends at this road.
Amagula Avenue to Ngunnawal shops (10 minutes)
14. After crossing Amagula Avenue, the footpath begins to drop down hill and the park narrows as it nears a section of the Gungahlin Lakes Golf Club. Continue following the footpath across a little bridge crossing Ginninderra Creek and bisecting the golf course green.
15. Nearly immediately after crossing the little bridge, the footpath branches in several directions. Turn left to follow the concrete footpath between the high golf course wire fence and a stone retaining wall. Follow this shady footpath until it terminates at a quiet road (Mulleun Close).
16. Walk straight ahead along Mulleun Close, then take the first road left (Langley Square). Continue past the first turn to the right (also Langley Square), but follow the road as it curves right and then left again (still Langley Square).
17. The next intersection is Riley Close again. Turn right here to return to the Ngunnawal shops and your starting point.
There is no footpath along these shady, pretty streets but they are very quiet and peaceful.
If you'd prefer to join one of our regular guided group walks, find out more at our guided walks page.