Kingston pram friendly walk directions

This fully paved, pram friendly walk meanders through attractive suburban streets, past heritage listed cottages, and through very pretty parks. The abundant tall mature trees throughout the route make this a shady option in summer and very colourful in autumn. There is one off leash opportunity at a generous green space where dogs can burn off excess energy or have a relaxed wander and sniff. The walk starts and ends at the Kingston shops boasting several dog friendly and pram friendly cafés.
Start/Finish - Green Square at Kingston shops, Eyre Street
Time/Distance - Allow 45 minutes/approx 3 km
Off lead rating - ♥
Parking - Under the Supabarn complex opposite Green Square in Eyre Street, or in adjacent streets
Dog friendly café - Our Pick BitterSweet, and others at the Kingston shops
Public toilets - Just outside the Supabarn complex entrance on the right; in Telopea Park
Bins - Kingston shops, Kingston Oval and Telopea Park
Distractions - None
Playgrounds - Telopea Park
Photo gallery - See photos taken on the Kingston pram friendly walk.
Note - All our dog walks assume you are a responsible dog owner with effective control of your dog. If walking with a pram, you'll need to venture at least 10 metres off the paved paths to let your dog take advantage of the off leash opportunities described below. See our Important Stuff page before starting any of our walks.
Use the navigation tools to zoom in or out for different views of the route or click on the 'view larger map' icon on the top right hand corner of the map to view in google maps.
Kingston shops to Kingston Oval (10 minutes)
1. Start in Green Square at the corner of Eyre and Jardine Streets. Cross Eyre Street at the pedestrian crossing.
2. Turn right and follow the footpath on the left hand side of Eyre Street.
The next few streets are lined with mature deciduous and evergreen trees including pinoaks, oaks, cedars and zelkovas. This residential area features a mix of original housing dating from the 1920s and 30s, and apartment developments dating from the 1960s to now. Many of the oldest houses – in the area bounded by Dawes, Howitt, Cunningham and Leichhardt Streets – are heritage listed.
3. At the first intersection, turn left (onto Kennedy Street) and follow the footpath.
4. At the next intersection (with Dawes Street) turn right crossing over Kennedy Street to continue on Dawes Street. Continue on Dawes Street, crossing the next street (Leichhardt St).
5. On the other side of Dawes is a large playing field (Kingston Oval). When you reach the corner of Dawes and Oxley Street (the next after Leichhardt), cross to the Kingston Oval and enter via the gravel car park behind the grandstand. This will give you easiest access to the oval with a pram.
Off leash opportunity on the oval. The ACT Government recently reclassified the oval 'on leash', because the lease was taken over by a football club. However, it has been used by locals as an off leash space for 40 plus years and so far the club continues to allow this use when the oval is not being used for training or competitions.
The Kingston Oval provides a large green space for off leash time, however be aware that one side of the oval is bordered by a busy road (Canberra Ave).
There are bins next to the grandstand.
Kingston Oval to Telopea Park (15 minutes)
6. When you’re ready, cross back over to the other side of Dawes Street to Oxley Street.
Off leash opportunity ends as you exit the oval.
7. Follow Oxley Street and at the next intersection, turn right into Eyre Street, then left into Ovens Street, then right into Giles Street, and finally left into the second Currie Crescent.
There is a footpath only on the right side of Currie Crescent.
Some of these streets, particularly Ovens, have beautiful street trees.
8. After entering Currie Crescent, head right when you reach a t-junction (still Currie Crescent), continuing on the footpath until you reach another road (Telopea Park East). Cross the road, entering a park (Telopea Park) on a bitumen path just ahead.
Telopea Park is a beautiful, semi-formal park featuring a variety of mature exotic and native trees. A creek meanders through the park before entering Lake Burley Griffin.
There are numerous benches, picnic tables, gas barbecues and bins throughout the park as well as public toilets (on your left as you follow the bitumen path in the first few minutes).
There is also a large children’s playground on the left as you enter the park.
Telopea Park to Kingston shops (15 minutes)
9. Follow the bitumen path (a shared pedestrian and cycle path) towards the creek, cross over the little bridge, then turn right on the path which runs roughly parallel to the creek downhill, ignoring branches to the right and left. After a few minutes, there is no option but to follow the bitumen path back over the creek and continue parallel to the creek on the left.
10. Continue following the path with the creek on your left but at the first intersection of bitumen paths, turn right to follow the path to the road at the edge of the park (Telopea Park East).
11. Cross Telopea Park East and turn immediately left to follow the footpath.
The remainder of the walk passes a range of interesting townhouse and apartment developments as well as featuring more lovely treelined streets. The pinoaks along Howitt Street are particularly impressive.
12. Take the first street right (Gosse Street) and follow the footpath.
13. Just after Gosse Street curves left, take the footpath turning to the right between the apartment buildings. The footpath terminates at Giles Street.
14. Cross Giles Street, turn left and then nearly immediately right (into Howitt Street).
15. Follow the footpath to the first intersection, then turn right (into Eyre Street). Continue on the right hand side of Eyre Street to return to the Kingston shops.
If you'd prefer to join one of our regular guided group walks, find out more at our guided walks page.