Kambah pram friendly walk directions

Kambah's generous open spaces and extensive network of footpaths make this an easy, pleasant walk whether you are pushing a pram or free to wander 'off track'. Dogs love the generous open space of the huge off leash irrigated playing fields. The ovals are so extensive that even if there are formal sports being played, there will more than one oval still free. For humans, the walk features mountain and hill views reminiscent of Elioth Gruner local landscapes from nearly all points on the route and a super dog friendly café on the way provides a tempting stop. This loop walk is fully paved and mostly flat with only one gradual up hill then down hill section in the first part of the walk, and crosses only one quiet road. Those without a pram however, can access even more adjacent off leash space. The walk starts and ends at Kett Street behind the Kambah Village shopping centre, which includes dog friendly café, Prospect Eatery, as well as public toilets. Alternatively, you could start and end your loop walk at our recommended dog friendly café - see direction no. 6.
Start/Finish - Kett Street, Kambah
Time/Distance - Allow 90 minutes/approx 5 km
Off lead rating - ♥♥♥
Parking - Parking at end of Kett Street
Dog friendly café - Our Pick Mannheim Café, or Prospect Eatery at Kambah Village shopping centre
Public toilets - Adjacent to Kambah Village shopping centre
Bins - At all ovals
Distractions - None
Children's playgrounds - After the Marconi Crescent and Summerland Circuit underpasses; in the 'bush park'
Photo gallery - See photos taken on the Kambah pram friendly walk.
Note - All our dog walks assume you are a responsible dog owner with effective control of your dog. If walking with a pram, you'll need to venture at least 10 metres off the paved paths to let your dog take advantage of the off leash opportunities described below. See our Important Stuff page before starting any of our walks.
Use the navigation tools to zoom in or out for different views of the route or click on the 'view larger map' icon on the top right hand corner of the map to view in google maps.
Kett Street to Summerland Circuit underpass (35 minutes)
1. Start at the end of Kett Street - at this point a small car park - at the amenities block on the edge of extensive playing fields (Kambah District Playing Field No. 3). Facing the amenities block from the street, join the wide concrete footpath on the right of the amenities block which heads away from the amenities block directly across and bisecting the green playing fields. You'll pass the fenced off ACT Motor Car Racing Club on your left in the middle of the playing fields. If you aren't walking with a pram, you can just wander across the playing fields from any point until you reach the path on the other side.
Off leash opportunity on the playing fields if formal sports games are not in progress. Note that you'll need to venture off the paved path at least 10 metres to allow your dog off leash.
There is free parking in the Kett Street car park and bins adjacent to the car park and amenities block, plus a water station.
2. After crossing the playing fields, follow the concrete footpath as it curves left around the edge of the fields, ignoring any branches to the right. However, when you reach the far end of the fields, follow the path as it curves right away from the fields towards an informal park and a large hill in the distance (Mount Taylor). Soon after leaving the fields, the path forks: take the right fork heading slightly uphill.
3. Continue following the concrete footpath as it gently heads up hill through the informal park, ignoring any branches to the left or right. As long as you choose the path heading uphill you can't go wrong.
You'll pass the fenced off Taylor Primary School on your left and scattered eucalyptus trees on your right.
4. After a few minutes you'll reach an underpass (under Marconi Crescent). Continue following the footpath through the underpass and past a children's playground on your left. Continue following the footpath as it becomes steeper and veers to the right leading into a narrow park between back fences and quiet cul de sacs, again ignoring any branches to the right or left.
5. As the footpath levels out, it ends at a t-junction with another footpath. There are two forks leading at an angle to a quiet street immediately ahead. Ignore these and turn hard right to follow the widest footpath. When it forks soon after, take the left wider fork heading slightly uphill again and leading into a bush-like park.
This small park forms a pretty oasis in suburbia and at its highest point - and the highest point of the walk - offers sweeping views of the Tuggeranong Valley and Brindabella Mountains.
There is a small children's playground near the end of this park to the right of the footpath.
6. The footpath soon begins to drop downhill. Continue on the main path, ignoring any branches to the right or left. As the path nears a main road (Summerland Circuit), it veers left and downhill to reach an underpass. Turn right to follow the footpath through the underpass.
At this point, you might like to take a very short detour to the Mannheim Café, which has fantastic coffee and more. To find the café (less than a minute off the route) when you reach the underpass, instead of turning right to go through it, turn left on the footpath, then nearly immediately take a right fork up hill that leads to a small car park. The café is at the far end of the car park. There are several bins here, a water station and the café has a toilet for patrons.
Summerland Circuit to O'Halloran Circuit (20 minutes)
7. Continue following the wide concrete footpath as it gradually wanders down hill through a generously sized and attractive informal park.
There is a large playground (Community Village Park) on the left soon after the underpass.
The park is planted with mature casuarinas and eucalypts.
If you don't have a pram, to take advantage of more off leash time, after the playground take the paved footpath left, follow it a few metres to where it crosses a culvert, and then turn hard right to walk over grass through the trees, parallel but a distance from the back fences of houses. This off leash section continues until the next paved footpath crossing the park just before the bridge.
8. Continue on the footpath as it follows the line of back fences on the right, ignoring any branches to the right or left. After a few minutes it leads to an impressive yellow girded Golden-Gate Bridge look-a-like, spanning a six lane main road (Drakeford Drive). Walk across this pedestrian bridge and follow the footpath access back to ground level.
There are attractive hill views crossing the bridge. If you have a pram, follow the circular ramp access off the bridge, otherwise you can take a short cut down the stairs.
9. Once at ground level, follow the wide concrete footpath heading way from the bridge. However, after a short distance take the narrower footpath veering right off the main path. This path follows a line of coppers logs on the left bordering a stand of eucalypts and skirts the edge of a large green playing field (Kambah District Playing Field No. 2) on your right. Continue on the footpath, ignoring a branch to the right which leads to a small car park adjacent to the playing field.
Off leash opportunity on the oval.
10. Soon after the footpath veers away from the playing field, it joins a wide bitumen path (a shared pedestrian and cycle path). Turn right to follow this new path which, within metres, crosses a quiet street (Laidlaw Place) which is only open to cars on sports days. Continue on the bitumen path as it follows the line of an old water course (Village Creek) on the right.
If you are not walking with a pram, you may wish to wander across the oval with your dog off leash rather than follow the edge of the oval along the path. You can continue off leash into the adjacent, partially fenced playing field. From here you can rejoin the bitumen path by walking diagonally across the partially fenced field, up the bank on the other side, and through some shady trees. You'll see the bitumen path heading towards an underpass up ahead.
11. The bitumen path continues to an underpass under a main street (O'Halloran Circuit). Follow the path through the underpass.
On your left before you go through the underpass is the remnants of the old Kambah Homestead woolshed, now popular as a picnic/party venue. There are bins and public toilets available here.
O'Halloran Circuit to Kett Street (15 minutes)
12. Continue along the wide bitumen path. Not long after it curves to the right, it then forks. At this point, you can take a short cut back to the start point by taking the right fork through an underpass (beneath Drakeford Drive). This leads you back to Kambah District Playing Field No. 3 and the end of Kett Street in a couple of minutes. Alternatively, to extend the walk another 15 minutes or so, take the left fork and follow the bitumen path, ignoring any branches to the left. Continue walking along the bitumen path as it leads to another sumptuous playing field area (Kambah District Playing Field No. 1).
If you are not walking with a pram, on the other side of the underpass the grassy area between the bitumen path and the road is off leash. You may walk your off leash dog along the (dry) course of the Village Creek, until the bitumen path curves to the right in front of you. Then join the path on leash until the fork described above.
13. Just before entering the playing fields, the path becomes concrete. Continue following the widest path straight ahead following the line of Drakeford Drive.
Off leash opportunity on these extensive ovals.
Remember the path is also used by cyclists and off leash dogs must keep away from paved paths.
This is a very attractive open space edged by lovely mature birch trees and featuring more of those impressive, Gruner-like hill views.
Take a moment to dawdle here if you have the time and your dog still has some energy left, as this is the last off leash opportunity - as long as sports games aren't in progress.
There are bins at the small car park on the left as you enter the playing field area.
14. When you're ready, continue on the concrete footpath until it reaches another underpass. Turn hard right to walk through it.
15. On the other side, continue following the concrete footpath straight ahead as it crosses over a little bridge and a small car park access road until it terminates at Kett Street, your starting point.
The buildings on your left are the back of the Kambah Village shopping centre and the last building on your right before Kett Street is the Burns (Irish) Club. The public toilets are in a separate small building half-way between the two on your left.
If you'd prefer to join one of our regular guided group walks, find out more at our guided walks page.