Canberra pet friendly aged care

older lady with dog

As you get older, especially if you’re living alone, the bond with your dog can be very strong. They are your best friend, loyal companion and daily source affection. What happens if you need to move into a retirement village, hostel or nursing home but your dog isn’t welcome? This heartbreaking decision is faced by many people every day. But it doesn't have to be this way. Find out how to make sure your dog comes with you!

Canberra-based volunteer community organisation, Pets & Positive Ageing, is working to do just that. Its mission is to help older pet owners and their beloved pets stay together.

“The good news is that more and more aged care operators are recognising the benefits of pets,” says President, Jan Phillips.

The science is clear that living with pets is good for you. Studies consistently show that people living with dogs or cats live longer and are healthier and happier. Pets are also the ‘ice-breaker’ for all important human connections too.

“We want to promote the significant benefits for older Australians being able to keep their pets – no matter where they are living,” said Jan.

While some rules apply, there are now several pet friendly retirement villages and residential care options available in the ACT and more considering this move.

“Our priority is to increase the number of aged care organisations that allow pets to follow their owners. We also want increase in-home support for frail-aged, low income pet owners living at home. In fact, we’re campaigning for pet support to become a standard service offered in all aged care packages.

“We focus on practical initiatives, and the welfare needs of both older pet owners and their pets.”

Pets & Positive Ageing provides free information and advice about:
• pet-friendly retirement villages and residential care options and how to get access
• designing and developing pet-friendly accommodation and policies
• pet support in aged care packages or through in-home community services

If you or someone you know, who still living in their own home, is frail or unwell and needs help caring for their pet either with walking, feeding, grooming or trips to the vet, or even temporary rehoming, free volunteer services are available through PAWS.


Photo provided by Shuttercock through Pets and Positive Ageing

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